Cocalls are quite useful for games where the "players" take
turns, following different strategies. The first player executes some code
to make its first move, then cocalls the second player and allows it to
make a move. After the second player makes its move, it cocalls the first
process and gives the first player its second move, picking up immediately
after its cocall. This transfer of control bounces back and forth until
one player wins.
The 80x86 CPUs do not provide a cocall instruction. However, it is easy
to implement cocalls with existing instructions. Even so, there is little
need for you to supply your own cocall mechanism, the UCR Standard Library
provides a cocall package for 8086, 80186, and 80286 processors. This package
includes the pcb
(process control block) data structure and
three functions you can call: coinit
, cocall
and cocalll
The pcb
structure maintains the current state of a process.
The pcb
maintains all the register values and other accounting
information for a process. When a process makes a cocall, it stores the
return address for the cocall in the pcb
. Later, when some
other process cocalls this process, the cocall operation simply reloads
the registers, include cs:ip
, from the pcb
that returns control to the next instruction after the first process' cocall.
The pcb
structure takes the following form:
pcb struct NextProc dword ? ;Link to next PCB (for multitasking). regsp word ? regss word ? regip word ? regcs word ? regax word ? regbx word ? regcx word ? regdx word ? regsi word ? regdi word ? regbp word ? regds word ? reges word ? regflags word ? PrcsID word ? StartingTime dword ? ;Used for multitasking accounting. StartingDate dword ? ;Used for multitasking accounting. CPUTime dword ? ;Used for multitasking accounting.Four of these fields (as labelled) exist for preemptive multitasking and have no meaning for coroutines. We will discuss preemptive multitasking in the next section.
. If you want to
support the 80386 and later 32 bit register sets, you would need to modify
the pcb
structure and the code that saves and restores registers
in the pcb
.Since a cocall effectively returns to the target coroutine, you might
wonder what happens on the first cocall to any process. After all, if that
process has not executed any code, there is no "return address"
where you can resume execution. This is an easy problem to solve, we need
only initialize the return address of such a process to the address of the
first instruction to execute in that process.
A similar problem exists for the stack. When a program begins execution,
the main program (coroutine one) takes control and uses the stack associated
with the entire program. Since each process must have its own stack, where
do the other coroutines get their stacks?
The easiest way to initialize the stack and initial address for a coroutine
is to do this when declaring a pcb
for a process. Consider
the following pcb
variable declaration:
ProcessTwo pcb {0, offset EndStack2, seg EndStack2, offset StartLoc2, seg StartLoc2}This definition initializes the NextProc field with NULL (the Standard Library coroutine functions do not use this field) and initialize the
and cs:ip
fields with the last address of a stack area (EndStack2
and the first instruction of the process (StartLoc2
). Now all
you need to do is reserve a reasonable amount of stack storage for the process.
You can create multiple stacks in the SHELL.ASM sseg
as follows:sseg segment para stack 'stack' ; Stack for process #2: stk2 byte 1024 dup (?) EndStack2 word ? ; Stack for process #3: stk3 byte 1024 dup (?) EndStack3 word ? ; The primary stack for the main program (process #1) must appear at ; the end of sseg. stk byte 1024 dup (?) sseg endsThere is the question of "how much space should one reserve for each stack?" This, of course, varies with the application. If you have a simple application that doesn't use recursion or allocate any local variables on the stack, you could get by with as little as 256 bytes of stack space for a process. On the other hand, if you have recursive routines or allocate storage on the stack, you will need considerably more space. For simple programs, 1-8K stack storage should be sufficient. Keep in mind that you can allocate a maximum of 64K in the SHELL.ASM sseg. If you need additional stack space, you will need to up the other stacks in a different segment (they do not need to be in
, it's just a convenient place
for them) or you will need to allocate the stack space differently.malloc
call. The following code demonstrates how to
set up an 8K dynamically allocated stack for the pcb
:mov cx, 8192 malloc jc InsufficientRoom mov, es mov Process2.sp, diSetting up the coroutines the main program will call is pretty easy. However, there is the issue of setting up the
for the main program.
You cannot initialize the pcb
for the main program the same
way you initialize the pcb
for the other processes; it is already
running and has valid cs:ip
and ss:sp
Were you to initialize the main program's pcb
the same way
we did for the other processes, the system would simply restart the main
program when you make a cocall back to it. To initialize the pcb
for the main program, you must use the coinit
function. The
function expects you to pass it the address of the main
program's pcb
in the es:di
register pair. It initializes
some variables internal to the Standard Library so the first cocall operation
will save the 80x86 machine state in the pcb
you specify by
. After the coinit
call, you can begin making cocalls
to other processes in your program.cocall
function. The cocall function call takes two forms. Without any parameters
this function transfers control to the coroutine whose pcb
address appears in the es:di
register pair. If the address
of a pcb
appears in the operand field of this instruction,
transfers control to the specified coroutine (don't
forget, the name of the pcb
, not the process, must appear in
the operand field).